
Fathers rights divorce

Fathers’ rights are technically no different from mothers’ rights. Both fathers and mothers are entitled to have access to their children, and are expected to contribute materially to the child’s upbringing as well.

 In Tennessee Specifically an Unmarried mother automatically has full custody, both physical and legal, until the father can establish paternity. Once paternity is established both father and mother have equal rights under the law. Sometimes you will need a DNA test to establish paternity. 

Many fathers feel that they are given unfair treatment in court – specifically when it comes to child custody, support, and visitation. They often feel that the courts favor the mothers and to not allow fathers fair or reasonable visitation or parenting rights.

Divorced fathers, as well as fathers who have never been married to their child’s mother, have rights and obligations to their children. If a father is not being given his full rights, the situation can be corrected by going in front of a judge.

When your case is brought to a judge by a lawyer who understands and specializes in this type of case, you are more likely to receive fair treatment and an outcome that you can be happy with.


Raise their children through custody and visitation agreements.

Decide on their child’s education, health and religion.

File for changes in the child custody and child support orders if the other parent does not follow it or if circumstances change.

If you are going through something like this in Nashville or anywhere in Middle Tennessee and need a little help, contact us today, one of our highly skilled Father right’s Nashville Attorneys will Contact you very quickly


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